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Alt 03.06.2012, 16:39   #25

Benutzerbild von fleischsalat
Registriert seit: Jan 2006
Ort: Niedersachsen
Beiträge: 7,790

Der G-2 Report vom 12.04.45 enthält unter Punkt 3 auch etwas über die MNH:

„The MNH (Maschinefabrik Niedersachsen HANNOVER) Tk Factory ist located on Badenstetterstrasse in the suberb of Hannover- Badenstedtt.
Plant was badly damaged by bombing but continued to produce.
About 600 workers were employed. Two vehicle types were produced; a Mk V tank mounting, a 75mm long tube gun and an assault gun on a Mk V chassis mounting an 88mm gun. The vehicles were completely produced at the plant. Large stocks of parts were on hand. The guns, altough made elsewhere, were mounted on the vehicles at the plant.
At least 50 guns are in the plant and about 16 finished vehicle chassis. Other bodies and turrent assemblies are present in varying stages of completion.“

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